
I am a full stack engineer with experience in Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, and React.js. My passion is in problem solving and creating cool apps.

I am always looking for opportunities to learn new programming languages, frameworks, and mathematical concepts.

When not developing amazing apps, I enjoy playing Poker and teaching Calculus.


A few of my recent projects


Int-Structables is a single-page, full-stack web application teaching step-by-step Calculus concepts inspired by Instructables. Int-Structables is built with Ruby on Rails and PostgreSQL on the backend, React.js and Flux framework for the frontend, and Amazon Web Services for image uploading.

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CalcuGraph is an interactive browser graphing application built using JavaScript, CSS, jQuery, Canvas, MathQuill, and mathjs. CalcuGraph is capable of approximating tangent lines using derivatives and areas under the curve using Riemann Sum.

Live GitHub


DOMinate is a JavaScript DOM interaction library inspired by jQuery. Using DOMinate, users can:

  • Select single or multiple DOM elements
  • Traverse and manipulate DOM elements
  • Build DOM elements
  • Create DOMNodeCollection objects from HTMLElements
  • Queue functions until DOM is fully loaded
  • Execute HTTP requests
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